..........Excellence Through God

History of Chinnods School

Chinnods school history dates back to August 2009 when it started off Montessori school creche and nursery education to children of age 1-5years.

Since then the school has grown into primary school and today chinnods school is a leading school offering a first class education from foundation stage to primary levels.

We look at our history with pride and affection but eager to meet the 21 century need of the pupils.

About Chinnods School

  CHINNODS school is a creche, nursery and primary school dedicated to providing superior and personalised child care and learning to children.  

Chinnods School is certainly the right place to enroll your children as we are structured to work  with parents who appreciate that the best they can give to their wards is to provide them with qualitative education and nurturing.

Quick Reminders!                

Break - time pack We continue to have drivers, food vendors and nannies bring  in children's break time packs after drop off in the morning.    

For security reasons, we urge you to please send your children to school with their packs to avoid any delay when unknown persons bring them in.    

If they must bring their break time packs, please call ahead on 08032323403 / 08057058249 or send a little note.  

Packs may contain a healthy food , snack, fruit, water and not - fizzy drinks.  

Drop off/pick up Morning Assembly starts at 7:30am.

Children must be dropped off before 7:30am.

Classes begins at 8:00am  Children coming late must report at the admin office first.

School closes at 3:00pm on Mondays - Thursdays and 12:00pm on Fridays…

Dress Code

 Our Uniform  

Girls - CHINNODS print dress with belt, white vests, white socks, Black school shoes, CHINNODS school sweater (for cold days). Black hair accessories. NO HAIR EXTENSION PLEASE! Some children did not adhere to this policy.  PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT IF THIS HAPPENS, WE WILL LOOSEN THE HAIR.    

Boys - CHINNODS print sleeve shirt, white vests, CHINNODS short, white socks, Black school shoes.


A core value is a central belief clearly understood and shared by every member of the school community. We believe in commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence.

By commitment we mean that everyone

  •  Shows loyalty to friends, colleagues and the school.
  •  Is willing to support and show care for those who need help.
  •  Is willing to work to the highest level.
  •  Keeps the school rules.

By opportunity we mean that everyone

  • Develop confidence through participation
  • Volunteers in a variety of school situation.
  • Considers their own strength.
  • Lets personal goal for improvement.
  • Pursues individual interests in a manner which broadens horizons.

By respect we mean that everyone

  • Values all members of the school community
  • Displays good…




29, Olaniyi Street, Surulere, Lagos State.



Tel: 08032323403, 08057058249


E-mail : [email protected]




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